Write a Paragraph on Tree Plantation
Write a paragraph on 'Tree Plantation' in about 250 words answering the following questions:
a) What is tree plantation?
b) What do we get from trees?
c) Why should we plant more trees?
d) Where can we plant trees?
e) When is the suitable time for tree plantation?
f) How can we take care of them?
g) How can we make tree plantation successful?
h) What is your suggestions about tree plantation?
a) What is tree plantation?
b) What do we get from trees?
c) Why should we plant more trees?
d) Where can we plant trees?
e) When is the suitable time for tree plantation?
f) How can we take care of them?
g) How can we make tree plantation successful?
h) What is your suggestions about tree plantation?
Tree Plantation
Tree Plantation means planting seedlings (চারাগাছ) in an organized way. The importance of tree plantation cannot be ignored any more. Through tree plantation our environment remains balanced properly. Natural calamities (বিপর্যয়/দূর্যোগ) cannot occur unexpectedly. Our demand of food is met up. Oxygen is properly balanced in air. The most important thing is that ecological balance remains fit for the betterment of the maintenance of humans, animals and plants as well. If trees are not planted, we cannot get food, oxygen and different kinds of needful elements. So, there is a close relationship in between trees and humans. If there had been no trees, the environment would have lost balance. Floods and drought (অনাবৃষ্টি/খরা) may occur repeatedly (বারবার). Lands would turn into desert place. The rainy season is the best time for plantation of trees. We can plant trees in the lands which are uncultivable. Road-side, road-divider, rooftop etc. can also be used to plant trees. We should take some effective measures to grow them well. We should take care of them properly so that the animals or other concerns cannot damage them. We can get available trees from any nursery or Govt. agriculture department. We can take several actions to make tree plantation successful. We can take part in tree plantation campaign. The campaign may be held in schools, colleges, universities or in any other populated (জনবহুল) places. We may also arrange tree fair in the rainy season. We should make the people concious about deforestation (বন নিধন). Government and NGOs can play an important role here. We should make the tree plantation programme successful for a better future.
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